Christ the King
Bible Readings
First reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24
Psalm: Psalm 100
Second reading: Ephesians 1:15-23
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
Some thoughts on today's scripture
Church in a Digital Age webinar 25th of November 9:30-11am.
The world has seen extraordinary change, particularly in the past twenty years. And yet, the Church in Australia has remained relatively unchanged.
An unwillingness to change and our inability to imagine a different church, has led us down the path of decline. Our message isn’t irrelevant, but the way we are transmitting it may well be. This webinar will explore some of the ways young people are tackling the challenge of reaching their generation in the digital age.
Here is the link register for the webinar:
About the presenters:
Pastor Skar has 15,000 followers on the gaming platform Twitch. He will share how he does ministry and mission in that context. I hope Pastor Skar will stretch our imagination on what is possible in this new world.
Josh Wyatt is a young man who has been helping Parramatta-Nepean Presbytery with their “First Sundays” project. Josh may be of particular interest to you because he may be able to do something similar in our Presbytery. It would be great for you to hear how Josh might be able to build your digital presence as a Presbytery, You can see an example of First Sundays here: