Sunday 31st March 2019

31 Mar 2019 by O'Connor Uniting Church in: Reflections

Sunday 31st March 2019

Lent 4

Bible Readings

Joshua 5:9-12, Psalm 32
2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

To illustrate the greatness of God’s love to the hard-hearted Jewish leaders who are listening, Jesus gives a vivid description of the father’s response to his son’s return. Throwing off all cultural conventions, he runs toward His son, embraces him, kisses him, and celebrates with a lavish feast.

This is the extravagance of our Father’s love! No matter how far we have strayed, how much we have sinned, how dirty and wretched we are, He will always rejoice at our repentance.

And through the work of His Son Jesus Christ, He will clothe us in robes of righteousness and give us a seat of honour at His banquet table. Our relationship with Him will be restored to its intended intimacy, and we will enjoy His presence and love forever.

Lenten Prayer

Father, our source of life,
I reach out with joy to grasp Your hand;
let me walk more readily in Your ways.
Guide me in Your gentle mercy,
for left to myself I cannot do Your Will.