Sunday 4th July 2021

4 Jul 2021 by O'Connor Uniting Church in: Reflections

Pentecost 6

Bible Lectionary Readings

2 Samuel 5:1-5, Psalm 48, 2
Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-13


Jesus had three big statements in his teaching:
God loves each of us with an infinite love; we are all brothers and sisters; and good will overcome evil.

The wisdom of Jesus was not just a statement.
He lived it. His way of life was sharing this love by healing, consoling, and telling his stories.

People found the love of God in him. He called them and also calls us to believe with joy that all of us are brothers and sisters.

Jesus treated people with love, and they knew it.



Loving Creator God,
We rejoice in the beauty of this ancient land and her waters.
We marvel at the awesome way they have been formed.
We give thanks for her First Nations Peoples,
their stories of creation sung by countless Ancestors.

It is right, Loving Mystery, that we name the dispossession, violence and bloodshed,
which First Peoples endured at the hands of Second Peoples.
We ask your forgiveness, and their forgiveness, on behalf of our forebears.
We pray for your healing of this land and her Peoples.
We pray that love will make a new way, a harmony way, the way of Jesus.

Holy God,
Today we are grateful, and we celebrate this nation’s true history,
beginning long before time.
The First People of this ancient land who gave them birth,
who gives them life – Mother Earth.
We honour them and share their joy.

You, Wisdom, call us body, call us one,
To walk together, people from many lands,
under this same golden sun, together
First Nations Peoples and all of us who have since come.

Together there is a new song to be sung,
as old as time.
Hear the yidaki, hear the bilma,
the Ancestors call.

Wisdom, help us to listen, to follow, to learn, to grow.
In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

(Yidaki is the Yolŋu word for digeridoo, bilma is for clap stick)

- Stuart McMillan, 2020

National Consultant Covenanting
Assembly Resourcing Unit, Uniting Church in Australia