Sunday 7th November 2021

7 Nov 2021 by O'Connor Uniting Church in: Reflections

Pentecost 24

Lectionary Bible Readings

Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17

Psalm 127

Hebrews 9:24-28

Mark 12:38-44


Isn’t it a wonderful thing that our biblical example of generosity is a person who gave the equivalent of less than a cent? We may feel that we have very little in the way of material gifts or talents to give to our Lord but if we put all that we have and are at his disposal, he can do great things with it and with us that are beyond our imaginings.

Please pray for

  • The COP26 meeting as it continues. We pray for the world leaders and those involved in negotiations to be courageous, for more ambitious targets to emerge and for actions to back the pledges and promises.
  • For the Uniting Church as we consider together how our identity and foundations are guiding us into a faithful future.

Prayer: Heeding the groans of creation

O God, bringer of justice and lover of creation,

we pray to You as COP26 continues.

We pray that voice of the earth

and those most vulnerable to the effects of climate change might be heard.

We pray: for the groans of creation to be heeded,

for a willingness to hear the cries of those currently suffering from climate change

for the wisdom of Indigenous peoples to guide us,

for leaders and negotiators to be bold in their commitment to change.

We pray for courage, for ambitious targets and for actions to back the pledges and promises. Amen

Rev Sharon Hollis, UCA President